Nordbak – Crusher Backing

9505 9910 (10 kg) PRIMARY BACKING NORDBAK® PRIMARY BACKING for backing metal wear plates in Primary Gyratory Crushers giving exceptional compressive and impact strengths together with improved tensile strength
9505 9908 (20 kg)
9505 9984 (10 kg) HI-PERFORMANCE BACKING NORDBAK® HI-PERFORMANCE BACKING for backing metal wear plates in large Gyratory Crushers and Seven-foot Cone Crushers. It offers excellent impact strength and resilience, together with high compression and tensile strengths.
9505 9987 (20 kg)
9505 9901 (10 kg) STANDARD BACKING NORDBAK® STANDARD BACKING is a tough, resilient and ideal backing for smaller Cone Crushers, Gyratory Crushers, Rotating Mills, Pulverisers and other heavy reduction machinery.
9505 9905 (20 kg)
7459 9998 (10 kg) SUPERBAK BACKING NORDBAK® SUPERBAK BACKING is a low budget backing that is tough, resilient and ideal for smaller Cone Crushers, Gyratory Crushers, Rotating Mills, Pulverisers and other heavy reduction machinery.
9505 9915 (20 kg)
7459 9999 (10 kg) LOW VISCOSITY BACKING NORDBAK® LOW VISCOSITY BACKING is a low viscosity backing that is tough, resilient and ideal for pouring into small orifices of smaller Cone Crushers, Gyratory Crushers, Rotating Mills, Pulverisers and other heavy reduction machinery.
9505 9960 (2.8 kg) LOCKING COMPOUND NORDBAK® LOCKING COMPOUND is a high temperature and high impact material for locking inner and outer eccentric bushes in Symons Cone Crushers.
9505 9919 (4×1 kg) TROWEL MIX NORDBAK® TROWEL MIX is ideal for sealing backing liners in all types of Crushers and Mills. Its paste-like consistency eliminates the need for dismantling the mill or removing the grinding charge. Trowel Mix also secures liner bolts in their holes.
9505 9918 (12 kg)

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